COVID-19 Daily Updates from GOHSEP

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COVID-19 Update - 4/21/2020

The number of cases worldwide continues to climb. According to health officials, there have been 2,573,143 confirmed cases of COVID-19. More than 177,602 people have died.


Please go to for official information on Positive Test Results and locations.  It is updated 12 noon daily.  LDH officials’ latest report: As of last report all Parishes have reported (64 of 64) cases with state totaling 24,854  cases of COVID-19 and 1,405 deaths across the state.  

1,798 Reported COVID-19 Patients in Hospitals; 297 of those on ventilators

6,578 Tests Completed by State Lab; 135,079Commercial Tests Completed



Medical officials in California indicated late Tuesday that the first U.S. coronavirus deaths happened weeks earlier than previously believed — on Feb. 6 and Feb. 17, rather than on Feb. 29 in Washington State. The deaths were not initially thought to have been COVID-19-related, but further testing has revealed that they were. The U.S. has 825,306 confirmed cases with over 45,000 deaths.

Deaths in the United States doubled in a little over a week and infections doubled in two weeks to surpass 800,000.  A potential second wave of COVID-19 late in the year would likely be more deadly, as it would overlap with flu season, a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) senior official said Tuesday.  The CDC official explained that two coinciding respiratory outbreaks would strain the nation's health care system even further than the current.  

The U.S. Senate passed a nearly $500 billion interim coronavirus bill by voice vote Tuesday that includes additional money for the small business loan program as well as for hospitals and testing.  The interim proposal includes more than $320 billion for the Paycheck Protection Program, $60 billion in loans and grants for the Small Business Administration's disaster relief fund, $75 billion for hospitals, and $25 billion for coronavirus testing.    

A senior White House official said on Tuesday that a new executive order banning immigration to the United States will last 30 to 90 days and apply narrowly to those seeking permanent immigration status.  This executive order will not affect H1-B specialty occupation visas, as H-1B visas would be covered in a separate action.  President Trump said on Tuesday that he would order a temporary halt in issuing green cards to prevent people from immigrating to the United States, but he backed away from plans to suspend guest worker programs after business groups expressed major concerns at the threat of losing access to foreign labor.  

Hydroxychloroquine, with or without azithromycin, was more likely to be prescribed to patients with more severe illness, but some researchers report that they found that increased mortality persisted even after they statistically adjusted for higher rates of use.  NOTE: “Statistically adjusted” means the researchers manipulated the figures.  This usually refers to producing stats that support the initial premise.

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on Tuesday announced that it is authorizing the first coronavirus test in the United States that allows patients to collect samples themselves at home.  Patients, after using a nasal swab, would mail the sample to LabCorp, the company that makes the test.    

The CDC is funding 650 health workers at state health departments to supplement contact tracing and testing.   

The U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) announced Tuesday that it is awarding $133 million to increase domestic production of N95 masks by over 39 million over the next 90 days.   According to the DoD, the investment is intended to ensure the U.S. government "gets dedicated long-term industrial capacity to meet the needs of the nation"

The US State Department has issued a “Do Not Travel” health advisory.  The Department of State advises U.S. citizens to avoid all international travel due to the global impact of COVID-19.  In countries where commercial departure options remain available, U.S. citizens who live in the United States should arrange for immediate return to the United States, unless they are prepared to remain abroad for an indefinite period.  U.S. citizens who live abroad should avoid all international travel.

Guam At least 710 crew members from the USS Theodore Roosevelt in Guam have tested positive for COVID-19 as of Tuesday.  The Navy will delay moving some sailors back on board the aircraft carrier USS Theodore Roosevelt, citing crew members who are still testing positive after a 14-day quarantine period.  The Air Force's 36th Wing from Andersen Air Force Base, Guam, recently teamed up with Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson, Alaska, and Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam, Hawaii, to set up an expeditionary medical facility at U.S. Naval Hospital Guam to treat U.S. Navy sailors evacuated from their aircraft carrier. 

Texas  The number of Houston-area coronavirus cases is at 7,808 with 157 deaths, and 2,067 recoveries. Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner announced the launch of a food assistance program for people with disabilities during his daily coronavirus briefing Tuesday. Turner addressed the food insecurities for the vulnerable and unable to get to a food distribution facility. The city of Houston partnered with Walmart, Sam’s Club, the Houston Food Bank and Houston METRO for the program. Officials said Walmart and Sam’s Club contributed $30,000 towards food distributions. While Houston-area malls are preparing for some of their retailers to reopen Friday, as stores statewide navigate “retail-to-go,” as outlined by Governor Greg Abbott in an executive order announced last week. Under the governor’s plan, retailers are allowed to reopen for curbside pickups. The move, outlined Friday in an executive order, maintains retailers and customers maintain social distancing suggestions.  

Maryland  Maryland has 14,206 confirmed cases and 659 coronavirus-related deaths as of Tuesday. 

New York  New York will make reopening decisions on a regional basis, depending on the situation in different parts of the state, an official announced Tuesday.   The total amount of hospitalizations in New York remains relatively flat around 16,000.  New hospitalizations and the amount of people who are intubated are also down, indicating that New York is past the peak of the coronavirus pandemic.  A New York state official announced on Tuesday that New York will allow elective outpatient treatment in counties without a significant risk of COVID-19 surge in near term.  New York started collecting blood samples Monday from 3,000 randomly selected people for antibody

testing as part of its response to the COVID-19 pandemic.   

Virginia  Virginia has 9,661 confirmed cases and its death toll is 303 as of Tuesday.

Washington, D.C.  Washington, D.C., has 3,102 confirmed cases and 112 deaths as of Tuesday.


In Germany, on Tuesday, April 21, Bavarian authorities announced the cancelation of Oktoberfest, scheduled to take place in Munich from Saturday, September 19, until Sunday, October 4, due to concerns over the coronavirus disease (COVID-19).  As of Friday, April 17, state officials in Saxony have announced that it is compulsory to wear face masks on public transport and within shops to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Elsewhere, German federal authorities are continuing to advise residents to wear face masks in public spaces.  Social-distancing and hygiene ordinances are to remain in place until at least Sunday, May 3. Authorities have stated that schools are scheduled to begin reopening from Monday, May 4. Restaurants, cafés, bars, cinemas, and music venues are expected to remain closed, while religious gatherings and large public events are suspended until Monday, August 31. Grocery stores, pharmacies, petrol stations, banks, post offices, and delivery services are excluded from these measures.  Travelers will continue to be placed under a mandatory 14-day quarantine upon arrival to Germany. Health sector employees living in border regions outside Germany, as well as business travelers or technicians entering the country for a short period, are exempt from the restriction. As of April 22, there have been 148,453 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Germany, including 5086 associated deaths.

In the U.K., a group of 25 doctors have written to the Health Secretary, Matt Hancock, because they are concerned about the UK's current advice on self-isolation for coronavirus. The guidance says people should stay at home and avoid contact with others for seven days if they develop symptoms. After that, self-isolation can end - if they feel well and do not have a fever. But World Health Organization advice says people should self-isolate for 14 days after symptoms have cleared. And now, Newcastle University public health expert Prof Allyson Pollock and 24 similarly concerned colleagues are asking to see evidence in support of the UK's stance. An official said: "The government's response to this virus and all clinical guidance is led by science and a world renowned team of clinicians, public health experts and scientists - including epidemiologists - working round the clock to keep us safe." But Prof Pollock and her colleagues say there have been reports of a risk of infection beyond seven days - ranging from 10 to 24 days after symptoms begin. "We are also concerned about the narrow spectrum of symptoms the UK is using as an indication for self-isolation," they write in their letter to Mr. Hancock. The U.K. currently has 130,184 confirmed cases with 17,337 deaths.

Bahraini authorities announced on Tuesday, April 21, that the current quarantine restrictions in place nationwide will be extended for a further two weeks until Thursday, May 7, amid the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic. Most traditional Ramadan activities and gatherings have also been banned in order to stem the spread of the disease. Gatherings of over 20 people are prohibited and restaurants are now required to offer takeout and delivery services exclusively. Businesses, including gyms and cinemas, are also closed, though retail and grocery stores remain open given that social distancing recommendations are implemented. The government has also advised nationals and residents to avoid all but essential travel as the government has suspended visas on-arrival across the Kingdom's entry points until further notice. Travelers must obtain a visa in advance, either online of from an embassy. Furthermore, face masks are required in public spaces and those who fail to comply with the measure will be sanctioned.  As of Tuesday, April 21, there are 1973 confirmed COVID-19 cases in Bahrain, including seven deaths.

In Singapore, Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong announced a four-week extension to Singapore's circuit breaker measures until Monday, June 1, in order to reduce the number of community coronavirus (COVID-19) cases and contain the spread of the virus in migrant worker dormitories. Existing measures will also be tightened, including the closure of more workplaces, and further decreasing the number of workers in essential services. All standalone food and beverage outlets selling mainly drinks and snacks, as well as hair salons, have been ordered to close by 23:59 (local time) on Tuesday, April 21. Pet supply stores and retail laundry services will only be allowed to provide online sales and delivery. The June school holidays will be brought forward to Tuesday, May 5, and are set to reopen on Tuesday, June 2. Entry restrictions are also being put in place at locations where large groups gather, such as wet markets and supermarkets, from Wednesday, April 22, through Monday, May 4. Shoppers with even last digit IC/FIN numbers can enter on even dates; those with odd last digit numbers are allowed to enter on odd dates. Under the new law, the government will also be allowed to restrict individuals' movements and interactions at their residence and in public areas. According to authorities, the law will be valid for at least six months and could be extended for up to one year. Terminal 2 at Singapore Changi Airport (SIN) suspended all operations for 18 months from Friday, May 1. Moreover, as of Monday, scheduled flight operations have been redirected to the airport's other terminals. An entry ban on all short-term visitors remains in place. Only work pass holders, and their dependents, who provide essential services, such as healthcare and transport, will be allowed to enter the country with approval from the Ministry of Manpower. Malaysians with Singapore work permits will continue to be able to work in Singapore. All Singaporean citizens, permanent residents, long-term pass holders, and work pass holders entering the country will be issued a 14-day Stay at Home Notice (SHN) at dedicated facilities.  Singapore currently has the highest number of COVID-19 cases in Southeast Asia, recording its highest daily increase of 1426 cases on Monday, April 20. The majority of the confirmed cases are migrant workers living in shared dormitories where extensive testing is underway. Authorities have also highlighted that the regular number of new unlinked cases recorded daily is a concern as it suggests the presence of unknown cases in the community. As of Tuesday, March 21, the Ministry of Health has confirmed 10,141 COVID-19 cases nationwide, including 11 associated deaths.

In Australia, the number of new coronavirus infections in Australia has tumbled with just eight new cases in the country so far today. There were no new cases reported in Queensland, Western Australia or the Australian Capital Territory, just five in NSW, two in Victoria and one in South Australia. The Northern Territory hasn’t had a new virus case for two weeks.

Australia’s deputy chief medical officer Paul Kelly said earlier there had been just four new cases across the country in the 24 hours since 3pm on Tuesday. The number of daily new infections in Australia has been below 50 for almost two weeks, and today’s potential result could bring numbers to a new low, following 13 cases on Monday and 22 cases on Tuesday.

Australia’s results rival those in New Zealand despite our Kiwi neighbours having a population about one fifth the size of Australia’s and introducing a much stricter lockdown. Prime Minister Scott Morrison also noted Australia’s success yesterday in driving down the number of active cases. About 70 per cent of more than 6000 people who tested positive for COVID-19 have now recovered. “We have active cases of less than 2500 now,” Mr. Morrison told reporters on Tuesday. Australia had 6,647 confirmed cases with 74 deaths.



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Louisiana State Analytical & Fusion Exchange (LA-SAFE) Liaison

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Baton Rouge, LA  70806

Office: 225.925.3674

Cell: 225.936.0404 

In the case of terrorism, to wait for an indication of crime before investigating it is to wait too long. There is no guarantee of success, but there has to be a guarantee of effort.  Let's make it hard to hurt us.  If you see something suspicious, report it.     

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