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The Permitting Process Explained


Another problem that our office helps facilitate is understanding the building code, and the inspection and permitting process. People oftentimes get confused on when they need to call for inspections, and we have sheets to hand out that breaks down exactly what inspections are needed.

The general rule of thumb is before you can seal anything, you're going to need an inspection. So if you want to pour concrete, hey, we need an inspection before that. If you're going to close your walls in, we need an inspection before that.

A common question that we get is how to navigate the permitting process, and there are a lot of different permits. There's 26 actually that our office issue every day.

So one of the things that we're especially excited about lately is our online permitting that allows for all of our permits from an electrical meter transfer permit to a building permit. They're available now online. So you can submit all of these documents, and it gives a good checklist on our website you can link through and tells you exactly what we need in order to process that permit.

But I understand sometimes that can be confusing, so I would encourage anybody, if you have any questions, give us a call or stop by one of our offices. We'd love to sit down with you and go through that process so that we can get you through it as efficiently as possible.

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