Coronavirus (COVID-19) Information

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Updates

GNO Inc Update - June 26, 2020

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  • Louisiana Phase 2 Proclamation – Governor John Bel Edwards formally issued a proclamation extending Reopening Phase 2 to July 24. While much or the order is similar to the previous Phase 2 order, the new proclamation includes a crowd size limit of 250 people for indoor gatherings. To read the full proclamation, please click here
  • Louisiana School Reopening Guidelines – The Louisiana Department of Education has released guidelines on reopening schools. Each local district will ultimately decide how schools will 

COVID-19 Testing:

GNO Inc Update - June 24, 2020

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  • Federal Reserve Releases Main Street Lending Video – The Federal Reserve has released a Main Street Lending Program video that summarizes the intent and eligibility for the program. The five-year loans must be repaid and both the borrower and lender must be eligible under the terms of the program. To watch the video, please click here.
  • Orleans Parish – Today, New Orleans Mayor Latoya Cantrell announced that the city will be launching a task force to ensure that residents and businesses are adhering to the Phase 2 social distancing guidelines, including but not limited to

GNO Inc Update - June 22, 2020

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  • Louisiana Phase 2 Extended – Today, Governor John Bel Edwards announced that Louisiana will remain in Phase 2 for an additional 28 days. Under Phase 2, establishments including restaurants, bars (with a LDH food permit), churches, and gyms may open at 50% capacity. Bars (without a LDH food permit) may open at 25% capacity. You can read more here
  • Louisiana Main Street Recovery (Grant) Program – Louisiana Treasurer John Schroder announced that businesses impacted by the coronavirus pandemic can expect to start seeing grants from a $300 million federally financed program as early as

GNO Inc. COVID-19 Update for Weekend of 06-20/21-2020

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  • Louisiana CARES Act Funding – Spending of the $811 million in federal CARES Act funding for Louisiana will be discussed in the Joint Legislative Committee meeting tomorrow. The committee meets in Baton Rouge and the meeting can be watched online on the Louisiana Legislature website
  • SBA Relaunches Match Service for Businesses - The Small Business Administration (SBA) has relaunched its Lender Match online service to connect small businesses with

GNO Inc Update - June 17, 2020

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· Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) EZ Forgiveness Application Released -  The SBA has released revised, simpler Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loan forgiveness applications for borrowers. Those eligible to use the new three-page EZ application are borrowers who:

           o Are self-employed or have no employees
           o Did not reduce the salaries or wages of their employees by more than
