COVID-19 Daily Updates from GOHSEP

COVID-19 Update 3-25-2020

SuperUser Account 0 2543


Please go to for official information on Positive Test Results and locations.  It is updated 12 noon daily.  LDH officials’ latest report: As of last report there are 43 of 64 parishes with reported cases with 1,388 cases of COVID-19 and 46 deaths across the state. 


COVID-19 Update 3-24-2020

SuperUser Account 0 3075

(COVID-19)Novel Coronavirus  Update       

Online John Hopkins CSSE Coronavirus Dashboard     

WHO Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) website                    

US CDC 2019-nCoV webpage

European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control, Novel coronavirus in China page 


Please go to for official information on Presumptive Positive Test Results and locations.  It is updated 12 noon daily.  LDH officials’ latest report: As of last report there are 41 of 64 parishes with reported cases with 1,172 cases of COVID-19 and 34 deaths across the state. 

COVID-19 Update 03-21-2020

SuperUser Account 0 2899

As of last report there are 28 of 64 parishes with reported cases with 537 cases of COVID-19 and 14 deaths across the state. LDH officials reported the following: [...]

COVID-19 Update 03-17-2020

SuperUser Account 0 2883

(COVID-19)Novel Coronavirus  Update       

Online John Hopkins CSSE Coronavirus Dashboard     

WHO Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) website                    

US CDC 2019-nCoV webpage

European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control, Novel coronavirus in China page 

The number of cases worldwide continues to climb. According to health officials, there have been 182,424 confirmed cases of COVID-19. More than 79,433 people have recovered, and 7,155 people have died.   Many countries have put their citizens under partial or total lockdown. France has issued restrictive measures that require all vehicle and pedestrian movements to be justified and Malaysia will impose a nationwide movement control order that bars citizens from traveling abroad, while foreign tourists and visitors will be restricted from entering the country. Countries all over the world have closed borders, expanding restrictions on travel and daily life, issued bans on public gatherings and told citizens to work from home or not to leave the house.